Everyone has their price ... and I'm cheap.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Just like everyone else on the planet, I recieve several annoying emails a day suggesting some form penis enlarging pill, or whatever. I obviously slipped up somewhere and put out my email adress in the wrong spot. Oh well, no big deal, Yahoo! catches most of them and puts them in the Bulk mailbox, which i quickly scan before deleting, as it occasionally filters out a legit email.

I am by no means overwhelmed with emails. I find them annoying, but I have been fortunate enough to keep my main account clean enough over the past 7 or so years, that I can still use it. I have garbage (hotmail) accounts that I use when I sign up for stuff.

My question is, who the hell is actually buying this stuff that it makes it worthwhile to send it, etc. Some hick probably actually thinks he can double the size of his wang, and keeps these loser spammers thinking that they can make some nice coin.

An alternative conspiracy theory, that probably isn't that original, but I thought of it in the shower this morning, is that the funding is comming from the companies that make anti-spam software. There are mountrains of money in the anti-spam software industry, and I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that some of those big software firms are shelling out cash to these spammers so that people will need to buy their software.

Is it true? I don't know, but I wouldn't doubt it. Can we do anything about it? Not bloody likely. I just try to keep my main addresses safe and hope for the best.


Blogger Badaunt said...

I use Death2Spam (http://death2spam.net/) because my main email address became SO overwhelmed with spam. I didn't want to change email addresses, because it seemed to me that I would last a while on the new address and it would all start over again. A trickle, then a flood.

Changing addresses is time consuming and annoying.

Death2Spam isn't that expensive, and at the moment they're running at 99.21% accuracy (on my account, anyway). I don't even have to see the spam. Every now and again a new trick appears and I get two or three spams, then the filters learn and I'm back to getting none. And I've only ever had 19 emails misclassified as spam in nearly 18 months, and that was mostly at the beginning when the filters were learning.

There have been a couple of times when there was downtime, but never for more than a couple of hours. Soon fixed.

I'm not getting a commission or anything - I'm just a VERY satisfied customer. I HATE SPAM and love not having to even see it.

5/18/2005 3:38 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suspect most people on the planet don't have email.

5/20/2005 11:59 a.m.

Blogger thisismine2 said...

details Tom. Why do you always have to be so literal.

5/21/2005 11:47 a.m.


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