Everyone has their price ... and I'm cheap.

Monday, April 18, 2005

An Apology.

I am going to post the post that everyone hates to see when they go to one of their regular blogs. It is almost worse than no new posts at all. So, for the three or four of you that regularily read this, I am sorry I am letting the postings slip over the past few (and pre-emptivley, the upcoming week or so). Exams have caused my posting to slow down, and those that are posted are short.

A quick, uninteresting update. I am officially going back to where I did my coop position last year. Just for the summer. I may reveal more details about it later. It is a research position at a fairly prestegious place. I am very excited. I also just found out that my grad studies may take me to a conference in austria. This excites me. I have never been to Europe. (or even off of north america). But I have been to Holland and France ;).


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