Everyone has their price ... and I'm cheap.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Money well Spent

I am a big fan of useless research projects.

I'm not going to argue with it, but countless millions of dollars get spent around the world on revolutionary research projects, such as the Aerodynamics of a Frisbee, or The Effects of Country Music on Suicide (I always knew it was bad, but this is news to me). If you haven't been living under an internet rock, you have surely heard of the Ig Nobels, given to research that makes you laugh, then think. Some of the stuff is pretty entertaining. Oh, and I almost forgot about my personal favourite, did you know that beer head follows the laws of exponential decay? Apparently it does, I have just never given it time to occur naturally.

Anyways, the reason I brought this up is this article I found on CNN that talks about how attractive people earn more money on average. This really doesen't surprise me, I think the fact they spent money on this research is more surprising than the results.

The most imporatant result, however, is that "...a "height premium" among white men, with a 1.8-percent increase in wages for every additional inch of height over the national median." Me and my 6'4" body enjoy this particular fact.

Did I mention I just got into grad school where they are going to pay me $18 000 for being a Teaching and Research Assistant and on top of that, I just found out, I'm getting a $15 000 scholarship. It must be because I am tall.

So, in conclusion, I have decided that I rather enjoy stupid research projects, as long as it means I'm going to make more money.


Blogger thisismine2 said...

I'm graduating from Aerospace Engineering at the end of the month.

My Grad work will be in advanced dynamics, with a side order of robotics.

4/13/2005 10:33 p.m.


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