A Lesson to All You Kids Out There
Based on a story from CNN.
When you are fortunate and spoiled enough to have a nice car like this:

c/o neueaoutos.ch
Don't fake having it stolen just to get another nice car like this:

c/o seriouswheels.com
You already have it made. Don't throw it all away for insurance fraud.
Don't get my wrong, both are amazing cars, and the Bentley is worth quite a bit more, but come on. My head hurts just thinking about it.
Some spoiled brat out of Seattle faked having his 2002 BMW M3 stolen so he could use the insurance money to buy a Bentley. I would love to have an M3, a Bentley would be nice, but i would be more than content with an M3.
Sorry Badaunt, but I think the greed in American culture is a little more of a problem than the language. This kid is going to have a lot of greed related issues as he grows older. By the sounds of it, his parents aren't helping the issues.
I was going to leave a really witty comment, but I'm busy imagining what I could get if I fake that my Dodge Dakota got stolen.......ooooooo, I might be able to get a Honda or something.......
4/23/2005 1:50 p.m.
And if my bicycle gets stolen maybe I can get something with gears!
4/24/2005 6:54 p.m.
Whoops, just realized my bicycle is not insured. There goes that plan.
4/24/2005 6:54 p.m.
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