A look at Evolution and Satanic Turtles
Yesterday I was just surfing around and came across this interesting article on worldnetdaily.com about some Imax theatres in southern US boycotting a film because it presented Evolution as fact, not a theory. Now I have never heard of worldnetdaily, and frankly, it seems kind of sketch so I looked it up and found it on BBC.com, and found another, very similar article. I think I trust BBC a little bit more, so this seems to be legit.

I am sorry, I forgot to get a reference on this pic.
I am treading into discussions on religion. I have my religious beliefs (I am Anglican) but also consider myself a man of science, and firmly believe the two can co-exist. We need both of them. I also note that many of my visitors come from the US and other countries with beliefs I may not understand, but I am not going to let that stop me from saying what I am thinking. I accept that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and this blog is here for me to express mine. A debate may be fun. Leave some comments for or against what I say, either way they are appreciated.
The article presented this quote: "I really hate it when the theory of evolution is presented as fact". I just find it hard to believe that in this day and age, knowing what we know about biology, anthropology and all the other ologies, that someone can really fail to accept that Darwin was right.
I am going to go out on a short limb and say that evolution is fact and should be presented as such.
I did a quick google on evolution and was overwhelmed by the number of sites. Both sides and fence sitters stated the same arguments over and over again, going in circles.
I am an engineer, I like facts (and simplifying assumptions). Evolution is based on evidence collected in both fossile and living form that show development and adaptaion to diverse environments over a period of millions of years. Religions are based on books and stories written by fallible people who did not understand or even know of the evidence when writting them down.
I grew up in a semi-religious household, attending church occasionally, but also keeping an open mind to everything. I have often believed that God (I am unsure what that means at times) set evolution in motion and has let it take it's course. I feel kinda silly making that comment. I have of late become a bit agnostic. I believe in something, but I don't know what.
I think the world is reaching a point where people need to accept the facts and adapt their outdated belief systems accordingly. If the Catholic church, one of the most stubborn organizations in the world, can adapt to accept evolution (maybe devine intervention), then it is time for others to do the same.
Now I haven't presented the facts here because I don't consider myself qualified to do so. I think any doubters out there should do their own research with an open mind and make their own choice. I am just presenting my conclusion.
Now going back to the Imax situation, I think these are the people who need a movie like this the most. Parents need to let their children make their own informed decisions, and hiding the facts from them by keeping it out of movie theatres and schools is not letting them do this. I think they are themselves questioning thier beliefs and hiding from the facts.
I don't think we will have to worry too much longer though, I think the satanic turtles are going to take over the world soon anyways. This is definatley the turtles big evolutionary step in their quest for global domination.

from CNN
I can see the face of satan can you. I also can't believe what some people will do for a buck and some publicity. This is hilarious. Read the story. Apparently a fire brought satan out of this turtle.
One of the problems with the creationists is pure ignorance: they don't understand what a scientific theory IS. So they say, "Evolution is just a theory," not understanding that a theory must be falsifiable, and creationism doesn't even reach that status. They may as well be saying "Evolution is just a theory, whereas creationism is a real fantasy!"
The reason evolution is STILL a theory is because nobody has managed to falsify it yet using real data in the real world. (But try telling a creationist - or ID believer - that 'belief' does not equal 'data'...)
3/22/2005 12:16 p.m.
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