Everyone has their price ... and I'm cheap.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Top of Google!

I find it quite funny how my post about The Hitchhikkers Guide to the Galaxy (THGTTG) the movie became the number one search result for "THGTTG" on Google (It may not be number one for long, but trust me. It is right now).

I'm kinda flattered. But I am by no means a source of information about the book or the movie. I suggest IMDB or the official site. But that doesen't mean you need to leave. I am a fan of the book, and strongly recommend it if you like the kinda wierd sci-fi genre. Not like Star Trek kind of sci-fi thing, but there is space and some very strange science involved, and it's fiction. Therefore I say "sci-fi". It's more of just a crazy adventure that is likely not for everyone, but if you found this article by searching for "THGTTG" I don't need to tell you this. It's not the kind of book that you will find some literary scholar reading, though he or she probably has read it in secret, and liked it. But it is a good adventure.

The general premise is this:

Aurthur's day starts as he realizes that his house is about to be demolished to make way for a highway. This isn't the making of a very good day. Soon after he discovers his best friend, Ford, is actually an alien, trying to hitch a ride on the space ships that have just arrived to demolish earth to make way for a space high way. Day gets worse.

I know at this point most of you not Douglas Adams fans are saying: "That sounds really stupid." And under most circumstances I would agree with you, but Adams makes a quite entertaining and imaginative story about Arthur Dent and his journies through space and time. He meets a lot of interesting people along the way.

I suggest at least giving it a try. It's a fun book, don't try to take it too seriously, and most importantly, Don't Panic. Oh, and don't forget your towel.

That was the cheesiest send off I have ever written.


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