Everyone has their price ... and I'm cheap.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Quote of the Day (or week, or whatever, until we get sick of saying it)

This was actually the Quote of Thursday. When my friends and I find something funny, we drill it into the ground. That is we use it until the people around us want to beat us with what ever is nearby.

I won't make the Quote of the day a regular thing, but whenever I hear something funny, I will likely put it up.

The most recent over used saying:

"The day of the nerd is over."

Now, alone it is only kinda funny, but if you say it with a Governator (Swartzenegger) accent to it (say this one out loud):

"Zee day of the zee nurd iz ovah"

It sounds really funny.

A little background. A guest lecturer in our Professional Practice class (where we learn to be all ethical and stuff in the engineering workplace) was talking about teamwork. He said when he was in our position, if he wanted some numbers crunched for his Fortran class, he would head down to the computer room with a coffee cup of beer for the socially unacceptable nerds hiding down there and ask them to do it. This was in contrast to today when we can all do it by ourselves on PC's. We don't need the socially inept nerd to do it, we need the socially inclined geek to teach us and then we can do it ourselves.


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