How I have been procrastinating.
I just finished my last full week of undergrad. I am quite excited about this. I have Monday's off, and then three classes on Tuesday (as opposed to the usual four), and then a progect meeting and my last class on wed (which is actually a friday schedual)...
Well I am almost done, and this is exciting. At least for me.
I went indoor rock climbing today after class. I haven't been in about two years. It was fun, but it really hurt. I am sore all over. It's amazing how many muscles I can hurt in the 30 foot climb.
I was thinking that I really should work on my finger strength and stuff so that next time I go, I can do better. I should put up a finger board in the basement and work on my upper body strength. It could be fun. It's not likely going to happen, but it could be fun.
So I got home, made pizza for dinner, and was about to hit the books, then my roomate and his girlfriend asked me to go to the mall, then play pool. Of course I went. And I am not a big fan of malls.
I really need to get this work done, but I just don't want to. So I typed this.
Now I have a couple beers in me and I am really tired. Maybe I should just go to bed and try again in the morning. It isn't likely to happen, but I am going to try to get some work done.
Actually, I kinda like it. Keep it up.
For finger strength, nothing beats an old fashioned non-electric typewriter.
I learned to type on a VERY old black thing my father had (I imagine it would now classify as an antique and cost the earth), and it gave me muscly fingers. Brilliant!
4/02/2005 12:08 a.m.
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