Everyone has their price ... and I'm cheap.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Reading Week.

Well, reading week is over, I really didn't accomplish anything close to what I wanted to this week, and didn't get nearly enough of a break.

I'm watching the Oscars right now, well not so much watching as it is on in the background and I tune in every couple minutes to see whats going on (Haha, "you won't be able to take your eyes off these next 4 presenters"). I don't think I've seen even one of the winning films, or even nominated films for that matter. Oh, Supersize Me was nominated, that was pretty good, and Spiderman had a couple sound editting/mixing nominations, but I wasn't a big fan of that one.

The Aviator better be a damn good movie. I don't know when I'll see it, but I am sure I will sometime. There have to be better movies out there, that don't have Leo in them, stupid Titanic. I want to see this Hotel Rwanda movie. It look like it could be alright.

Great NASCAR race today... The end was awesome. Jimmie almost had it, should have taken 4 tires, it would have been his. I'm really looking forward to the F1 race next weekend. I hope the domination of Ferrari is over, but we all know that won't happen.

And how about those Ravens! Carleton won their 73 straight b-ball game. Going to Halifax for the threepeat. Ottawa U should be an amazing game next weekend.

Well, I think I'm going to wrap up my first real post. Hopefully they will be a little more interesting in the future, maybe a little bit of social commentary or something a little more enlightening then making fun of the Oscars and talking about the race results. But hey, thats important to me. And this is, afterall, about me.


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